Tools to playback and edit quarter- and 8th-tones in Finale:
Conductor (visual and acoustic programable metronome with network function) network synchronization
Network-Receiver for Mac and iOS
you’ll need to download Max 7 or later from cycling74 in oder to run the project
Unzip it and put the folder in your Max project folder. You don’t need an authorised version of max to run it and safe song presets.
I included a read-me file which should explain how the receiver works. If you have questions, let me know.
Quartertone Keybord for iPhone (iOS) and android
Instructions how to use it, are in the „read me“ file inside the app folder.
you’ll need to download the free app MobMuPlat from the app store
The app is still work in progress and not very self explaining. If you have questions about it, send me an email …